Reunion 2012 for 1965 leavers

Redhouse 2012 1  06-2012
In June 2007 a number of our school year and partners gathered for a reunion dinner at The Redhouse, Kelham. We had a really nice evening and one of the attendees (Derek McGowan) suggested that we meet again. So we decided that we would and eventually went for a 5 year gap. The last meeting had been the year of the Bus Pass and free prescriptions for many of the attendees, this year it was State Pension time. Read More...

Reunion 2007 for 1965 leavers

A couple of years ago I was emptying out a draw and came across a letter written by Michael Smedley, dated December 1994. Michael had organised a reunion that year at the Old Southwellian dinner for the Class of '58 (started). In the letter he had suggested we go for another get together in 1997, the year in which we reached 50.