Letters and Documents from School

We have come across a range of documents over the years, that make fascinating reading, and none more than the those that came from school. You can read the Schools first attempts at marketing, in such things as a prospectus, the tuck that boarders could receive and the extent of rationing after the war. This section contains fourteen authentic letters and correspondence from the fifties and sixties. This material is part of the archive supplied to us by Michael Boon and to whom we are deeply grateful. A must read section of the website

Accounts and Expenses

This appears to include laundry, tailoring (the biggest item), boot-maker and entertainment at 3 shillings and sixpence. The package Boards
Actual account
Boarders private accounts
School music accounts

Boarders Fees Increases

‘With the approval of the Ministry of Education boarding fees will increase from £70.0.0 to £85.0.0 (note that this is old money and in pounds, shillings and pence) per annum…’Increase in 1949.

Boarding School Prospectus

This is undated and, like the Day School Prospectus, probably dates from the late 1930’s or just post war. Fees were 25 guineas per annum with a 2 guinea reduction for a brother. Read more

Clothing; letter dated soon after the War

‘I know that the clothing situation is very difficult, but there is a great deal of difference between certain boys in this respect. This letter is addressed particularly to the parents of those boys who are almost inadequately supplied….’ Read more

Day School Prospectus

Fees are £4:11 shillings per term and this includes lunch. You can also get a reduction for brothers at the school and some scholarships are available. This is clearly an early attempt to market the school and what it can offer. Read more.

National Insurance Act

This is of course a most historic act and signal how it would effect the boarders at school. It talks for the first time how the parents can choose a doctor or a specialist and not have to pay... Read more of this act

School Rules; undated

‘Use hot water sparingly.’ ‘Remove mud from boots before entering school.’ ‘Use of Rooms; No loitering in cloaks or passages.’ Read more

Sickness Insurance

It would appear from the letter from the Head that parent had to pay for School Fees even if the pupils were sick, but may have had minor deductions for consumables. To help with the problem the head was suggesting taking out insurance and the correspondence shows details of fee and terms and conditions. It would appear that nothing is new under the sun. See the documents.

Tuck; letters dating from 1947 and 1949

‘Parcels should be limited to one a month and supplies of extras should be limited to jam or similar spread, sweets, eggs, fruit and birthday cake only’. Read more